9 Easy Tactics Employers Can Implement to Help Menopausal Women
January 30, 2023

On Jan. 19, we hosted a webinar with HealthyWomen where we discussed the secret struggles of female employees—specifically Menopause. Peppy’s VP of Menopause and Women’s Health Services Dr. Barb Dehn was joined by HealthyWomen CEO Beth Battaglino to discuss how these struggles affect women in the workplace and what employers can do to help.
Weren’t able to make it? Don’t fear. You can check out the recording here or read on for the highlight reel.
9 Easy Tactics Employers Can Implement to Help Menopausal Women
Here are 9 easy-to-implement, affordable tips for company leaders from Peppy and HealthyWomen:
1. Listen Up
First and foremost, company leaders need to listen to their employees’ wants and needs when it comes to Menopause in the workplace. One way to do this anonymously is to launch an Employee Menopause Survey. Ask your female employees what they think will help. You’ll be shocked to see that some requests are as simple as: “I’d like to be closer to an AC unit or an open window” or “Instead of having two 15-min breaks, could I have more short, 5-min breaks to cool off?”
2. Offer Flexible Work
One major symptom that women experience during Menopause is an inability to sleep, often due to things like night sweats and increased anxiety. This may mean that Menopausal women might need a more flexible work schedule so that they can have important meetings later in the day, have their shifts start in the afternoon or work from home on a particular day.
3. Consider the Temperature
Hot flashes are more than just uncomfortable; they’re distracting and can make it really difficult for female employees to focus on their work. Consider allowing employees to adjust the temperature in their offices. If that’s not an option, provide desk fans (you can think of it as an ergonomic adjustment just like standing desks).
4. Be Thoughtful with Uniforms
When it comes to selecting uniforms for your employees, consider offering them a lightweight option—and allow them to utilize it all year round. Hot, wool winter uniforms can be stifling and uncomfortable for women experiencing hot flashes.
5. Implement a Midlife ERG
Most companies already know the major value that employee resource groups (ERGs) bring to their organization. But these groups don’t need to be limited; a midlife ERG could be a great way for women going through Menopause to support one another, share tips & tricks for how they’re getting through, and educate/bring awareness about Menopause the rest of the company.
6. Give Period Protection
This one is simple and a no-brainer: offer all your employees period protection like tampons and pads in workplace restrooms. In perimenopause, 50% of women have irregular bleeding, often leading them to be unprepared with protection.
7. Offer Telemedicine
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has skyrocketed in use. Telemedicine and women’s healthcare benefits like Peppy can massively decrease the time women have to take off work to attend doctor appointments. It also decreases their wait time for an in-person appointment, which can be weeks or even months.
8. Educate Employees
Another simple and low-cost way to support Menopausal women is to offer them education. This can be simply passing along helpful articles or having HR film a short series of videos with tips and tricks that educate women about their treatment options—whether that be prescriptions like HRT or over-the-counter like diet and supplements.
9. Consider a Menopause Leave Policy
Menopause Leave Policies are beginning to become a hot topic amongst innovative employers. They can be as simple as ensuring that women are allowed to take the time they need to attend doctor appointments—or they can be more robust, allowing women to take time off to deal with their Menopause symptoms, get them under control, and then come back fresh and ready to go. Download our ‘Tips for creating a menopause policy’ here!