Menopause: It’s not just a women’s workplace issue? Here’s what you can do
August 19, 2022

Since a French physician first coined the term in 1821 – and arguably as far back as the third century BC when the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is believed to have studied the subject – mankind has known about menopause.
The earliest known references to menopause date back more than two millennia. Yet in all that time, menopause has always been viewed as an issue that afflicts women. A defect that can be medicated or a phase that will pass.
Women have long been unfairly dismissed as having minor symptoms. Discussions about the matter have been discouraged. And for too long, women have suffered in silence. Or worse, they have been told to “man up” and get on with things.
But now, as more people work later into their lives and industries begin to recognize the scale of the situation, the tables are finally starting to turn and investment is pouring into the relatively new field of “femtech”.
Menopause is becoming an increasingly global issue, affecting everyone – whether directly or indirectly – at some point in their lives. Here, we discuss why the issue is no longer just a women’s issue.
So, why is it not just a woman’s issue?
Because menopause is an equality issue.
- Menopausal women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic in the US, now making up over 20% of the workforce
- Employers – both male and female – are finally recognizing that menopause is having a significant impact on their workforce as these numbers continue to rise.
- “Five years ago, we wouldn’t even be talking about this,” says Kathy Abernethy, Peppy’s Chief Nursing Officer “In the past, people just weren’t willing to talk about it.”
- “However, the #MeToo movement has broken down many of these barriers. Women are now more comfortable talking openly about subjects they previously wouldn’t have. Women are now being permitted to discuss a number of these issues openly. Sexual harassment, gender pay disparity, and menopause were among them.”
Women in the workplace.
- The presence and influence of women in the workplace will only increase with the expansion of women’s roles and responsibilities at work. Menopause’s effects on the workplace and at home will therefore be an increasingly prevalent topic in the future.
- The success of any business will depend on reducing the stigma surrounding menopause and supporting employees during this major life transition inside and outside of the workplace.
- In order to help close the gender pay gap, and to ensure everyone can fulfill their potential in the workplace, menopause support will be a fundamental component of workplace culture.
By addressing these long-standing inequalities, it’s not just women who stand to benefit.
Because menopause will inevitably affect men too.
- An estimated 6,000 women reach menopause every day in the U.S., according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Every woman experiences it at some point in her life, and you can bet there will be a partner, a family member, or a coworker indirectly affected by it as well. Many of these people will be men.
- In society, we don’t know how to talk about it. “Men will almost always try to fix it,” Kathy says. “But women don’t look for their partners to fix it. They don’t look for their managers to fix it.”
- It’s about understanding and empathy, she says. “To promote diversity in the workplace, men need to be included in the conversation as well. Menopause is a social issue.”
Supporting others.
- This about your work environment. how many women do you employ between 45 and 55? Is your workplace environment menopause friendly? Are line managers trained to have the conversation?
- Menopause is another major life transition that will inevitably and naturally affect half of the world’s population. However, at present, there are minimal tools for supporting women inside and outside of the workplace.
- “In the past, there was nothing, absolutely nothing at all,” says Kathy. “There were no pathways for employers to provide support until you got to the point where you couldn’t do your job properly, went for a performance review, and ended up with occupational health or human resources.”
Because it’s not just women who go through menopause.
- People who do not identify as female can also experience menopause. “Trans people, non-binary people, gender fluid people, are all communities who have similarly suffered in silence during menopause,” explains Kathy.
- It is equally important to recognize and respond to menopause symptoms with the same kind of sensitivity.
Reframing how menopause is perceived in and outside the workplace
It is our belief at Peppy that menopause should be treated as a long-term fluctuating health condition that requires the same level of support as any other long-term health condition.
Peppy’s Santander pilot study
- In a pilot study with Santander, it was found just over half (51%) of employees weren’t confident talking about their menopause symptoms with their line managers, despite 56% reporting increased anxiety and 65% experiencing fatigue. The lack of understanding around menopause in society has meant for too long people are suffering in silence.
- Yet after just four weeks using Peppy, of the 130 Santander participants, 3 in 4 said they felt more confident about their menopause journey. 3 in 4 also said they found their menopause symptoms less bothersome. 90% said they felt more positive about Santander as an employer.
To enable everyone, whether women or men, to thrive inside and outside the workplace, we must face the challenge of how menopause will affect our businesses, colleagues, friends, and families.
As an employer, you can be a leader in your industry when it comes to employee healthcare by understanding menopause is more than just a woman’s issue.
Reframing how menopause is perceived in and outside the workplace
At Peppy, we believe menopause should be seen as a long-term fluctuating health condition. It requires the same support as any other long-term health condition.
The Menopause Survival Guide
Here are Kathy Abernethy’s tips for showing solidarity with someone going through menopause.
It’s not just hot flushes, women in their 50s, and not a short experience. If it’s impacting someone at home then it’s definitely going to impact them at work.
You don’t need to fix things, you need to be patient. It doesn’t help to just say go and get hormonal therapy (HT). Men need to understand it’s a natural transition that can last for quite a long time. It can also have an impact on a person’s daily life at home and work.
It’s about knowing what to say, and what definitely not to say. Let’s Talk Menopause For Men is a really good book, by Ruth Devlin, that I’d recommend on the topic. A few quick tips from Ruth: “Never, and I mean never, say, ‘It must be your hormones…’ or ‘Maybe it’s that time of the month again’. These comments are like a red rag to a bull. Do, however, become a model listener and become an expert in creating a calming atmosphere whenever possible.”
Start a wider conversation about menopause. Break down barriers to the discussion. Several organizations have set up “Menopause Cafes”, where all employees can openly come together to talk about their experiences.
Other organizations are appointing “Menopause Champions” to literally champion and promote menopause support at work. The more visible the channels of support, the more people will feel comfortable with using them.
It’s really useful for men to know the resources that are available to women. Sometimes women get so drowned in the symptoms they’re not able to look outside and realize help is available.