Our Experts

What sets our platform apart? Our specialist menopause experts. All employed full-time by Peppy, our experts are on-hand, morning until night, over chat or call and through a wealth of exclusive, expert-created content. Your people have questions about menopause, our experts have the answers they can trust that will help them take control of their symptoms.

Laura Carter-Penman

Director of Nursing

Laura qualified as a nurse at the University of East Anglia in 1996 and has worked in various NHS and private health care settings, before establishing her fertility knowledge at the world's 1st IVF clinic, Bourn Hall. Laura is the current Chair of SING (Senior Infertility Nurse Group) providing peer support to lead nurses across the UK and Ireland. As part of this role, Laura works closely with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on publications and sits on various committees including the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) add-ons Group. Laura won the nurse presentation prize at Fertility 23 for her work on supporting Male Factor fertility. Laura is passionate about nurse education and empowering nurses, she regularly presents and chairs national conferences and has taken part in podcasts and radio broadcasts including BBC’s The Naked Scientist.