Covid Vaccine and Menopausal Bleeding
November 11, 2021

The Covid vaccine has helped us all return to some kind of normality. But, women of all ages are reporting changes to bleeding patterns after receiving it.
Quick facts
- Post-menopausal bleeding after the vaccine could be down to an immune response.
- Any post-menopausal bleeding (PMB), even after the Covid vaccine should be investigated further.
- If you are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and your bleeding pattern changes, track the changes for at least three months.
More than 30 000 reports of changes in periods had been made to MHRA’s yellow card surveillance scheme for adverse drug reactions by 2 September 2021, across all covid-19 vaccines currently offered, says a report in the BMJ from September 2021.
However, evidence shows that this is transitory and of no significance, usually coming back to normal in the next cycle. There is also no evidence that fertility is affected by the Covid-19 vaccine.
But what about women who begin to bleed again after menopause?
Women may experience bleeding after the vaccine – track your changes.
HRT bleed
Your monthly HRT bleed might be disrupted or perhaps you have seen a one-off post menopausal bleed, more than a year after your periods stopped.
Possible cause
- It could be an immune response. After any vaccination the body develops a rapid response that creates the immunity to the condition, in this case Covid 19. Any part of the body might react to this eg headaches can be side effects, too.
- The womb lining is one part of the body which might respond. It may become slightly inflamed immediately post vaccination, then settling down again.
- Slight period changes have been noticed with both types of vaccine. This seems to imply it could be an immune response rather than something contained in the vaccine.
- Those same immune responses may occur after the menopause, changing the womb lining slightly and affecting natural bleeding and possibly HRT bleeds.
Change in HRT bleeding
- Has your usual pattern of bleeding in relation to your monthly HRT changed? If the answer is yes, start to keep a diary and track the changes.
- If, after three months your bleeding has not returned to what is usual for you, seek the advice of your prescriber.
- In most cases you will find that the bleeding returns to normal very quickly.
New bleed after menopause?
- A new bleed more than 12 months after your periods have naturally stopped is called post-menopausal bleeding (PMB).
- Any post menopausal bleeding, even after the Covid vaccine should be investigated. Don’t put off seeing your GP if it happens.
- You will probably be referred for a scan as a baseline investigation.
If you have questions about bleeding after the vaccination, do speak with your Peppy practitioner. Your Peppy practitioner can give you further guidance on menopausal bleeding.